Success Stories

A Journey Towards Clarity

Maria had always been known for her sharp memory and keen attention to detail. However, in 2015, subtle changes began to worry her and her family, especially given her family history of dementia. Despite numerous evaluations and various treatments, a definitive diagnosis eluded them, leading Maria and her husband to continue their quest for answers.

Facing a Potential Diagnosis

During their journey, they consulted with a renowned neurologist who suggested that Maria might have early onset Alzheimer’s Disease after extensive testing, including MRI/PET scans and neuropsychological assessments. Despite this daunting and devastating conclusion, Maria and her husband left the clinic disheartened but not defeated. They sought a second opinion at a different clinic, where another doctor recommended the DISCERN™ test from Synaps DX, known for its precision in distinguishing types of dementia.

A Turn Towards Relief

"The initial diagnosis was a shock. We couldn’t just accept it without exploring every possible option," said Maria's husband. "That’s why we decided to try the DISCERN™ test. It was our hope for a clearer understanding."

After the DISCERN™ test, the results confirmed that Maria did not have Alzheimer's Disease. This revelation allowed them to shift their focus from the fear of Alzheimer’s to addressing Maria’s symptoms with more targeted interventions.

Empowered by Accurate Diagnosis

The clarity provided by the DISCERN™ test transformed their approach to Maria’s condition. Adjustments to her treatment significantly improved her cognitive function, allowing Maria and her family to plan for the future with renewed optimism and a clear strategy.

Living with Confidence

Thanks to Synaps DX and the definitive results from the DISCERN™ test, Maria’s story highlights the power of accurate diagnostics and the importance of seeking second opinions.

"With the right diagnosis, we’ve reclaimed hope. Maria is more than her symptoms, and now we can focus on maintaining her quality of life," her husband reflected.

Maria continues to live fully, supported by her loved ones and the confidence that comes from understanding her health.