What Are the 5 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?

February 18, 2025

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Alzheimer’s disease develops gradually, often starting with subtle changes that can be easy to overlook. Recognizing the early warning signs is crucial for early intervention and better management.

1. Memory Loss That Affects Daily Life

  • Forgetting recent conversations, appointments, or important dates.
  • Repeating questions or relying more on reminders and notes.

2. Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks

  • Struggling with routine activities like cooking, driving to a known location, or managing finances.
  • Trouble following instructions, like a recipe or game rules.

3. Confusion with Time and Place

  • Losing track of dates, seasons, or where you are.
  • Getting lost in familiar places or forgetting how you got somewhere.

4. Trouble with Language and Communication

  • Forgetting common words, pausing mid-sentence, or struggling to follow a conversation.
  • Mixing up words, like calling a “watch” a “hand clock.”

5. Mood and Personality Changes

  • Unexplained irritability, depression, anxiety, or withdrawal from social activities.
  • Acting suspicious or confused in familiar situations.

Worried About Alzheimer’s? Take a Test Today

If you or a loved one are experiencing these symptoms, don’t ignore them. Take our free online cognitive screening test at Is It Alzheimer’s? to check for early signs today.